Thursday, February 4, 2021

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Name Generator - GGEBoN

I've digitized a good bit of Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names.

Google Sheets Link

Feel free to make a copy, and check out the source material if you haven't; there's plenty more interesting material in it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Courtship, Marriage, Heirs, and Fidelity for OSR Domain Play

As your character invests themselves in the world through domain play, they might find it beneficial to find a spouse and produce an heir. The benefits of an heir will be largely determined by your GM, and the system. In my own game: after PC death, an heir with a surviving parent or a loyal, appointed regent to oversee the domain until they come of age allows the player to continue playing and managing their domain, while adventuring as a new character or a retainer. When they turn 13, they may begin to gain experience for ruling the domain (ACKS Campaign Rules), and after they turn 16, a player may choose to play as their heir. The process of producing an heir is as follows:



    To begin courtship, make a Reaction Roll. This roll is modified by the difference in Charisma Modifiers and the Difference of 6 mi hexes controlled by both parties, or their families. Example. Count Dewkoo controls 2 hexes but has a -1 charisma mod. Baroness von Agut's family controls only 1 hex, but she is remarkably beautiful, with a +2 charisma mod. Thus, when Dewkoo makes his intentions to court the Baroness, he makes the reaction roll with a -2 net bonus [(2-1) + (-1-2)].

Initial Reaction Roll to establish courtship:

2-: Slanders you to other women/men in town, -1 to all Courtship rolls in this location

3-5: No, and it wont happen

6-8: No, (seeing someone else/not a good time), try again in a month

9-11: Yes, courtship beings

12+: Enthusiastic yes, +1 morale bonus to subsequent reaction rolls

Max morale bonus: +1

Proposal Roll:

    At any time during courtship, you can propose. A reaction roll is made using the same results table as above, except any result of No ends the courtship.

    To increase the likelyhood of a yes, there are some things you can do. Spending a week of downtime and 100g on gifts, three times in one season, gives a +1 bonus to the roll. This bonus stacks up to 4 times, but only if earned over consecutive seasons.

    You can also gain a +1 to the reaction roll for a proposal gift worth at least 1000gp.

Max Morale Bonus: +2


    As a dowry, the betrothed parents will give you 1d6*100 gold for every 6mi hex which they control, directly and through vassals (parents without land will give 5d10 gold).

    For the Wedding, roll d6+morale. On a 6+, your spouse had their dream wedding; gain a

+1 morale bonus.

    To increase the odds of providing a dream wedding; add +1 for every 1000gp spent on the wedding (100gp if parents are not landed). 

Max Morale Bonus: +3


    When you spend a week with your spouse roll a d4 and 1+Morale Bonus d8s. If a 1 is rolled on both the d4 and a d8, congratulations! You're expecting! In 9 months, roll a d6; on evens it's a girl, and on odds it's a boy.

    Roll stats for the the child when they turn 16 and become eligible as a PC. Add the higher of either parents modifier to the raw score of your offspring. For example:


Str  12        0        +2      14

Int    9      +0         -1       9

Wis  11     +2         0      13

Dex   5     +1         0       6

Con  11      0        +1      12

Cha   8     +2        -1      10

    Additionally: See ACKS for rules on gaining experience for Domain Management. In that system, a ruler could gain levels proportional to the number of domains they and their vassals control.


    The life of an adventurer (and a warlord, for that matter) consists of a lot of time away from home. This can be a strain on even the best relationships. With the exception of a defensive campaign or if your liege commands it, when your PC is away from their spouse for too long, there is a chance they will seek the comforts of another.

    Your PC can be apart from their spouse for a season(3 months) plus a number of months equal to their morale bonus. For each month beyond the limit, the morale bonus decreases by 1 and you make a reaction roll.

Add morale bonus & alignment mod (+1 if lawful, -1 if chaotic)

2-:  They are unfaithful, and with someone you know/an enemy to spite you.

3-5: They are unfaithful.

6-8: They they grow impatient at your absence.

9-11:They think only of you and the danger you must be in! +1 to morale bonus (net: 0)

12+: Distance makes the heart grow fonder! +2 to morale bonus (net: 1)

If both parties of the daliance are fertile, roll 1d4 & 1d8. On two 1s, they're expecting!

    Lost morale may be restored by spending a season with your family. Your GM might also come up with more adventurous opportunities to repair your marriage.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Heraldry: NFL pt 1.


I'm lazy and uninspired, so I'm ripping off NFL logos to make Heraldry.

Simple Campaign Calendar

 This is a really simple calendar with a perfect 3 month cycle. It is 364 days, with 12 months, and 4 feast days.

Here's a link to the template I use; feel free to make a copy. From there, just copy the template months in order as your campaign progresses. 

If you want some more detail for the calendar, use Donjon. Just paste this code into the "Restore" field, and you've got a set of custom months.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Conqueror's Without Number: Sword and Sorcery Adventures in Planetos

Work in progress:

A Sword and Sorcery hack of Worlds Without Number (WIP by Sine Nomine) and Adventurer-Conqueror-King System for campaigns in the World of Ice and Fire.

I'm a pretty big fan of A Song of Ice and Fire. Since reading the books, I've wanted a way to experience that world. I've read Green Ronin's licensed rpg, but it didn't grab me as getting the full flavor of the setting; there's a lot of Lovecraft and Conan (among other things) lurking below the surface.

 A World of Ice and Fire, even though it isn't aimed at rpgs, is the most flavorful setting for a Sword and Sorcery campaign that I've come across. Definitely worth reading for inspiration.

(South) Westeros Hex Map

These hexes are in the ballpark of 6 miles. Comment and let me know if, and for what, you use this. Cheers!