Thursday, August 27, 2020

(South) Westeros Hex Map

These hexes are in the ballpark of 6 miles. Comment and let me know if, and for what, you use this. Cheers! 


  1. Map is gorgeous! I will admit I'm not the most knowledgeable regarding ASoIaF, but this looks right to me, based on my memories of the books, and it likewise presents wonderful variation in topography to keep players interested. Hats off, good sir!

  2. Thanks dude! Wouldn't have been able to do it without the Atlas of Ice & Fire Blog.

    I took some liberties to fill in gaps (cant imagine Dorne is just sand), and for aesthetics. I plan to add more forest for my campaign set before the fall of Valyria; gotta have an Evil Empire out there!

  3. Wow, this is really awesome. Is it possible to add lines around each hex? And would you be willing to share the files (North as well)?
    I'd like to use it for a Worlds Without Number campaign in Westeros.

    1. Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with the blog and just noticed this. Reply to this and I'll post a link to the files on a hosting site.

    2. Sure, I'm still interested, especially if you have an editable version so I can add hexes. Thanks!


  4. FYI, I messed up a little on the scaling. Hexographer defaults to 48x42,24x21,12x10. The image I posted is scaled to 14x10.
